Tryst, Meeting, Appointment, Setting,
All united in Wait's keeping.
Care, Punctuality, Etiquette, Formality,
Will hold "Early Bird" in Wait's capacity!
Standing there - at war with your watch,
Dragging moments, ensnared in His catch.
Rigid Master, a Teacher Exacting,
Protest you can't - just listen to His bidding.
Open your eyes- "Watch!" He says,
Passing you by, The Thousand Face.
Field of dreams, hills of hope,
Peer you must at life's kaleidoscope.
How does it feel to stand aside,
Looking askance at the drama you reside?
Dancing to a silent roll, Onward to an unseen goal,
Just stand and wonder at the point of it all!
Watch freed of constant glare,
Raced stealthily with wanton care.
Friend popped out from swirling canvas
Wait has to let go of its holding alas!
Tethered back to a milieu real,
Lingering tendrils of a lesson surreal.